Local Food Needs Local Seed: Project Updates

Since last spring, we’ve been actively working on a new project funded and supported by Southern SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) entitled,  “Local food needs local seed: increasing production and use of locally adapted seed with a farm to community network.” The main goal of this project is to collaboratively work with local farmers…

Feaster Family Heirloom Mustard

Several years ago, Melissa was connected to Jerome Feaster through a mutual friend, Bricky who manages the historical farm at Morningside Nature Center here in Gainesville, Florida. She’d heard about his family’s variety of heirloom mustard greens that had been saved for many years, since at least around the time of the Civil War, if…

2nd women's farm to food accelerator course starting in January 2022

F2F Entrepreneurship Training Program

Are you a woman farmer in Florida looking to expand your business by developing a food product? This free online program might be for you! The Farm2Food Accelerator empowers Florida’s women farmers (including ranchers, producers, growers, fisherwomen, beekeepers and other related agriculturalists) to become more resilient by providing practical tools and knowledge to increase income…