We’ve created a regional seed hub because local food needs local seeds!

We curate a collection of varieties that do well in our climate, provide seed education, and collaborate regionally and nationally to preserve and protect crop varieties. 

Good Seeds for Southern Gardens!

We’ve worked hard for nearly a decade studying seeds and stewardship practices, while learning along the way the importance of having a regional, de-centralized and community-based seed collective. Our small and intentional collection reflects an accumulation of years of shared experiences with other growers. We support the livelihoods of adults with disabilities who are welcome friends and employees in every step of our process at Grow Hub!

Shop our collection online, or browse these local shops:

Auk Art Market, Grow Hub, Thousand Leaves Herb Shop, Mosswood Farm Store, and Ward’s Supermarket.


Check out our video with Florida’s legendary permaculturalist, Pete Kanaris!

Become a Seed Saver

It takes a village to care for it’s own seed. Join us!

Be sure to follow our Instagram and Facebook accounts.

If you are curious about helping with trials or seed grow outs, or want to visit the seed gardens to learn more, email Melissa: melissa@workingfood.org

You’ll love our FREE curated resources in Southern Seed School! Click below!


Our Partners

We partner with many organizations, individuals, and institutions to make our Seed Collective possible. Here are some of the great folks we work with: