Meatless Monday
Lighten your dietary impact by forgoing meat just one day a week. Instead, try adding more fresh, local veggies to your diet – good for you and the planet! Looking for some dee-lish recipes? Browse Meatless Monday for easy-to-make tummy & soul satisfiers. (And plan on going to the Gainesville VegFest or to Swallowtail’s Farm-to-Table Mardi Gras Dinner on Saturday, Feb 15, for more inspiration.)
Emptied out your fridge over the weekend? Wards Supermarket has a variety of local and organic produce, bulk staples, and seasonings. If you eat on the late side, you still have time to visit the Tioga Monday Market this afternoon to find dinner fixins. If you are restocking later in the week try, one of these markets.

Charlotte Kesl for Working Food
Farmers’ markets have become more popular along with a rise in interest in organic produce, in sustainable food production, in supporting small farms, and in building community connection. Farmers’ market activity also generates local jobs as well as business for local ag and horticultural suppliers. The Farmers Market Coalition has more information and resources about those economic effects.
Florida farmers’ markets are independent and establish their own vendor rules and regulations. The markets differ in character depending on where they are located. They may specialize in fruits, vegetables, or nursery stock. They may only have producers or they may include vendors of artisanal edibles and crafts. They may be strictly seasonal or they may operate year-round and include produce grown in facilities like greenhouses. Most of the markets in our area accept EBT cards and honor coupons provided through the WIC, SNAP, FAB, and Elder programs, making fresh produce accessible to more people.
It’s North Central Florida beautiful out! Go see what your farmers’ markets have for you. #ILoveLocalFoodWeek